Mar 20, 2009

Day Seven - BufBloPoFo

My roommate and I keep a running tab of credit going between the two of us. Everything is split 50/50, but there's no pattern to who pays for what up front. This results in credits, and debts between the two of us. And even though we always even up relatively quickly, I love being on the credit side a.k.a., Jon owes ME money. There's no better feeling than going out to dinner and having him pay for it. It's almost like a little mini-dtate. For some reason the food just tastes better. I know that in reality, the food isn't free, since I already paid more than my fair share on a previous purchase which created the credit, but it still feels like I'm getting a hell of a deal.

Trust me. Steaks taste better when someone else pays for them. Don't believe me? Just ask your nearest female.

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